Part Numbers and Ordering Options
This section covers information about:
Evaluation Kits
Part Number | Description | Notes |
MotusRugged Evaluation Kit (RS232) | Motus Rugged Evaluation Kit Includes the items listed in Rugged Evaluation Kit Contents. |
Evaluation Kit Part Numbers
Standalone Units
Part Number | Description | Notes |
Motus Rugged Unit (RS232) | Motus Rugged unit No cables included IMU/AHRS functionality only |
MOTUS2-RUG-422 | Motus Rugged Unit (RS422) | As above with optional RS422 interface instead of standard RS232 interface |
Standalone Unit Part Numbers
Part Number | Description | Notes |
A503-SDC20796 | ODU plug to FTDI USB cable | Motus rugged ODU plug with 2 metres of cable to FTDI USB plug, see Rugged Evaluation Kit USB Cable |
A503-SDC20740-2M | ODU plug with 2m cable (unterminated) | Motus rugged ODU plug with 2 metres of unterminated cable, see Connector Pin-out |
A503-SDC20740-5M | ODU plug with 5m cable (unterminated) | Motus rugged ODU plug with 5 metres of unterminated cable, see Connector Pin-out |
A503-SDC20740-10M | ODU plug with 10m cable (unterminated) | Motus rugged ODU plug with 10 metres of unterminated cable, see Connector Pin-out |
A503-SDC20740-20M | ODU plug with 20m cable (unterminated) | Motus rugged ODU plug with 20 metres of unterminated cable, see Connector Pin-out |
A503-SDC20753 | ODU to D9 connectors and DC socket (RS232) | Motus rugged ODU plug with 2m of cable to industry standard D9 connectors and DC socket, see RS232 Breakout Cable (A503-SDC20753) |
A503-SDC20755 | ODU to D9 connectors and DC socket (RS422) | Motus rugged ODU plug with 2m of cable to industry standard D9 connectors and DC socket, see RS422 Breakout Cable (A503-SDC20755) |
Accessories Part Numbers